Personal Data
- Principal Partner
- “I love changes and helping people and organization being more successful.”
Competencies and Fields of Work
Support of change processes, Management and Leadership development, HR-Consulting, Coaching, development of organizations, Trainings;
Working languages: German, English
- 2017 Trainings on the topic of Rights and Duties of the Supervisory Board
- 2017 Accreditation ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory), HayGroup
- 2012-2013 Emotional Skills and Competencies, Paul Ekman International
- 2012-2013 Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility, Paul Ekman International
- 2011 Leading Bold Change, iSB licensed Trainer by J.P. Kotter
- 2005 Certification as SIZE trainer and consultant, Top im Job/ F. Zehetner
- Ongoing education in finance, Controller Institute Vienna
- 2000-2001 Education in the field of “Systemic Constellations in Organisations”, Dr. I. Wressnig
- 1993-1995 Education as Transactional Analyst and supervisor, Trigon/Dr. W. Vogelauer
- 1989 Degree in psychology with focus on social psychology, University Vienna
Professional Experiences
- 1996-present Managing Partner of ARGO
- 2010-2013 Managing Partner ARGO Hungary Consulting Kft.
- 2001-2002 Managing Partner of ARGO Zagreb d.o.o.
- 1996-present Managing Partner of ARGO
- 1995 Founder member of ARGO
- 1994-present Self-employed Organization Developer and Trainer with focus on management development and coaching
- 1991-1994 Personnel Manager of a commercial company
- 1988-1991 Personnel Consultant